Saturday, December 8, 2012

Manny Pacquiao The Movie

With the heat of Manny Pacquiao versus Manuel Marquez fight today December 8, 2012, I got an email from my grandmother in California about the release of Manny's movie. Well years ago there was a movie played by a local actor about the Pinoy Pride's life, if i'm not mistaken it was Jericho Rosales and the role of Jinky (Manny's wife) was played by Bea Alonzo. Anyhow this movie is new and was produced in the USA. The executive producer is actually my uncle, Tristan Seisa and the sole investor is the Seisa family. It's really a great pride and honor for Filipinos to have someone wave the flag of our humble country Philippines in the whole world. Well despite the fact that we're just a minute part of the world map someone made it big in the history especially in sports. The soundtrack was put up by Chad Hugo, ,a multiple Grammy awardee ,  my uncle and the rest of the Yard Noise group. 

Here is the link....    

You can download from there the official soundtrack for free and at the same time watch the teaser for Pacman's 2013 movie. Let us support our pinoy pride. Please watch and share this to everyone!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I Miss Him

This is just one of my few random write ups I wrote way back 2 years ago. I found this one in one of my files. So I will post it now here for safe keeping that someday I could read it and reminisce.

I miss him, as I look at him today. The scent in the air tells me it’s him. I miss that perfume so familiar to my nose. It’s a coincidence after 5 years I saw him again. Something pinched my heart reminding me of something familiar. Something I can’t explain, that face, those eyes, I know him very well. It was something I will never forget, something I will always treasure. I miss him.

There she is..after 5 long years I saw her again. A special lady I adored. She’s still pretty, she was once young, now she’s a grown up. She grew beautifully. That long hair, her eyes, her face and her lips. Yes those lips. Everything reminded me of what happened 5 years ago. The longing look in her eyes, oh I want to hug her but I just can’t.

She: Hi
He:wow this is a total surprise, how have you been?
She: been good how about you?
He: Been busy but all is well how long have you been here?
She: Migrated 2 years ago with my family
He: great.who’s with you now?
Little girl: Mommy who is he?
She: Honey this is my friend,a good friend back in the place where I grew up
He: Hi little girl how are you?
Little girl: Hello mommy’s friend I am very pleased to meet u (giving her little hands)
He: ( I took her tiny hands and shook it gently, she giggled)
Little girl: mommy im starving can we go home now?
She: yes baby…(I turned towards him, I don’t wanna say this words again, feels like a lump is stucked on my throat)
He: hmmmm (uneasy look) see yah around?
She: probably..(but I think not)
He: Take care (I wanted to hug and kiss her)
She: you too (I wanted to hug him like i used to)
As I turned around a drop of tear fell from my eyes. IT hurts after quite a long time, I thought I have forgotten him. I missed him so much. If only I got patient if only I have waited…if only I did not marry this little girl could have been ours…I miss him
As I turned around a drop of tear fell from my eyes. I missed her so bad that I wanted to hug her. If only I understood better what she felt. If only I didn’t abandon her. If only I left my ministry and chose her…. that little girl could have been ours. I still love her…

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Iloilo Designers Week

It's been awhile since I last wrote here. My life has become topsy-turvy recently. I know this blog is a bit public so everyone has an access on it, so I'm taking this opportunity to share this wonderful event in my life. They say once a passion will always be a passion. Since I was a kid people noticed my inclination in dressing up, accessorizing and stuff so when my friend and my cousin started this modelling agency Bijoux Creatives I helped them. I started endorsing people for the modelling agency. Most of them were my TGIF students from University of San Agustin, been training their contestants since 2010 until now. From endorsing to model scouting, and now one of the production team for the first ever Iloilo Designers Week.

For the information of everyone Iloilo Designers week is the first convergence of 32 Iloilo Designers plus 7 Manila Top Designers gathered in one show.Plus top models from Manila will be coming too. This is the first in the fashion history of Iloilo.

If you wanna see the local version of the Philippine Fashion Week you should come and join us in this event.
Shows will start on November 5, 2012 at 4 pm at SM City Iloil with an opening fashion show of the top designers from Iloilo like Jaki PeƱalosa, Bo Parcon and many more. Every day there will be 3 segments with 4-5 designers per segment. Each designer will showcase there 10 piece collection each. Categories are Luxe wear, Men's Wear, Grand Allure and Visions and Trends. So if you are a certified fashionista you should not miss this.

As you can see we have the official roster of models for the event. Each of them were chosen after 2 go-sees   . They were carefully selected by a panel of judges. Making sure that these faces that will rule the ramp have the qualifications of a true model.

This event will not push through if not with the help of various sponsors. Major sponsors are SM City Iloilo, SM Department Store, Ever Bilena and Megaworld Global Estate Inc. Minor Sponsors are Toyota, Sarabia Manor Hotel, Punta Villa Resort, Lamesa Grill, Beauty Essentials, Hualon, AVON, Afrique's, Esca's, Feline's, Stretch Center, Alexa Salon, Victor Ortega Salon and Paul Chiongson Photography.
Our media sponsors are GMA, The News Today, The Daily Guardian and Cream Magazine.

 I would like also to take this opportunity to plug my friend's salon Alexa's Salon Therapeutique and Indigo Strokes by Nicole Uy. For those of you who are from Bacolod or coming to Bacolod you should visit her Salon at 26th Lacson St. Bacolod City. It's one of the few Salon's who can give you sophistication when it comes to a salon experience plus Miss Nicole uses high end brand for her make-up and she's only one of the few who uses airbrush. Who says that only stars can have that beautifying experience huh?You can have it too.

But what you guys should not miss is the Gala Dinner Fashion Show on the 9th of November. This is the finale of the event. It will feature the 32 local designers and their one piece hablon collection and 7 manila designers with their ten-piece collection. You should watch also for the Manila's top models like Ria Bolivar and Angelia Ong. And guess who's attending the Gala Night? The "Maestro" Mr. Christian Espiritu one of the sought after national designer. 

If you are a Newbie designer, an aspiring model, a fashion blogger, a fashionista, a fashion stylist or just someone who's fond of appreciating glamorous events such as this....You should come to the Gala Night. This is a big fashion event so we are expecting everyone to be in their most fashionable clothes ever. The ticket you will purchase for the event is worth it coz it includes free dinner . For Tickets please contact 09216325942 or 09276526611.

Fashionista see yah!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Intoy The Wonder Manug Balot of Lambunao

It's been awhile since I last posted here. Things have been very busy for me. Ended my contract with the Rnheals program, research proposal, MAN requirements and the fact that I am not employed right now make me so stressed. Well playing majong with 5 peso bet drives away my attention from stress and also my requirements. hahah But tonight I remembered the video I got during a show on the "bisperas" of our fiesta. It featured Intoy the famous "manugbalot" of Lambunao delivering a self made declamation piece and a dance number. To many Intoy is just a balot vendor often bullied by other people especially of some guys because of his sexuality but for us his "suki", he is a picture of a person who sees the wonders in life despite poverty. Selling 150 pcs of balut a day for 15 php makes him earn at least 300 pesos, well that's better off than other guys who just sit in the street and drinking ESQ right? I remembered one time we had a conversation during one of our majong sessions, I told him "Intoy sang una ko bala kita kanimo nakulbaan ako kanimo, blonde imo buhok waay pa gasararama, naka palda kag naka backless ka pa bitbit mo pa balut mo, kurulbaan gd timo pay daw ka off kanimu turukon," he answered, "teh tulad nahadlok ka pa kanakun?" I jokingly answered,"waay duma gawa ah, teh ikaw way kaw nahadlok sa self  mo?" I laughed after that but to my surprise he answered, "TEH INSA MAHADLUKAN TAKUN BISAN AMO LANG JA AKON ITSURA CONFIDENT TAKUN SA SARILI KO." I smiled when I heard that, we seldom see people who can see perfection in their imperfections. I told my mother that I really admire Intoy despite his condition in life still he strives to walk kilometers by foot to sell Balot just to earn cents and still manage to live and give money to his mother. Intoy also told me that one time he was a victim of hold up those guys took all his money left him naked walking in the streets, shame on those people. Why can't they look for their own living why do they have to take other people's hard earnings. I hope they rot in hell.
 Yesterday Intoy saw me dressed, he asked where I am going, I told him i'll be a judge on the mr and miss foundation of the Caninguan National High School and if he wants to come he can come. He rode at the back of our dmax, as we were driving I was laughing at him coz he felt like it was a parade, he was standing and waving at every person he sees and people would call at him saying "Intoy  may balut kaw?" I realized,  to some people riding on a pick up is nothing but for Intoy it is something...It made him smile and feel like a beauty queen. I made some reflections, I feel so bad that I almost got everything yet I still keep on competing with myself asking for more...wanting for more. If we set simple things in life...our source of happiness is simple too. We tend to be so ambitious that we neglect to see the simplicity of being happy. It's just right there but we refuse to recognize.

I am writing this blog for him not because I wanna make fun of him or whatever, I am writing this to be a reminder   for everyone that life is a choice and we should choose the better one and that is simply to be happy not with material things but being grateful of what we have,like our family, friends, special someone and the gift of life God gave us.This video will just be a bonus just to make you smile and whenever you see Intoy selling, hope you'll buy from him even if you don't eat Balut. Everytime I watch this video I really laugh...I don't see the Intoy other people call "retarded" but I see Intoy as a happy person, grateful of the things he have. Enjoy watching hope Intoy will put a smile on your face.

PS: I'm a terrible writer so please bear with me lang hahaah =)


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hidden from The Eyes--Lambunao Land of Waterfalls

   Born and raised in the place known as Lambunao, it is such a great pleasure to see it's wonder and beauty. I love my work now, because it gives me the opportunity to go to the barangays where I have never been before. There is nothing more than being able to see and know more of your own place.
   Lambunao came from the phrase "Mang Lambu sa Linaw" which is a karay-a term for "to go fishing." I still can remember the final question given to me when i joined Lin-ay Kang Binanog 2006 and still can remember word for word the answer that made me win the crown. The question was, "What makes you proud of Lambunao?" and my answer was, " Our  being FIRST CLASS is what makes me proud of my dear municipality, not because we are being considered "buki" or "manol" it's because we have so many firsts in this municipality.One we have the first vocational school in the Philippines, formerly known as Lambunao Institute of Science  and Technology now the West Visayas State University Lambunao Campus, we have the first congressman to establish a school and that is Congressman Eugenio P.Ladrido and recently we were recognized for having the FIRST in WORLD CLASS HORnBILL BREEDING. So there's nothing to be ashamed of when we are called FIRST Class..We should be proud that we are First  Class Lambunaons." Whew it brings back memories, but sad to say as the Ambassadress of goodwill then, I wasn't able to fulfill my purpose.So I am doing it now, I am dedicating this post to our dear municipality. I will tour around those Lambunanons who have never seen the hidden treasures their birthplace have. I'll try my best to share what I have seen and hopefully be able to entice visitors and tourists to visit our humble place.

With 23 documented virgin waterfalls, Lambunao is called the LAND of WATERFALLS. Take note 23 is not a fix number because we are still counting. Because of my work, I am given the chance to visit some parts of this hidden wonders. So I'm going to tour you around to the most accessible among 23 waterfalls, the MONTILLANO FALLS.

How to get there...

First from Iloilo City, you will ride a van/ a jeepney going to Lambunao for 1 hour when you get to the townproper, you will again ride a jeepney/ a single motorcycle for another hour going to Brgy Jayubo. When you get there you ask the driver to drop you at Mari-it Conservation Park because the way to Montillano is beside it then you will have to walk for at least 10 minutes to get there...

This is the entrance to the Mari-it Conservation Park, and the way to Montillano Falls is right beside it...
Then we started to walk for almost 10 minutes...

As we walked I felt that I was with nature savoring the fresh air breathing clean and alive...

I don't have a long range lens so please excuse this shot hahahah....I think that poster has something to do with a research on that tree..=)
Saw this flower on our's beautiful but I don't know the name.. can anybody enlighten me with the name of this beautiful creation?

As we walked, we have seen that the pathwalk to the falls is surrounded with creeks.
After a long walk...we got to a creek..since there's no bridge we have to walk through the water and have our feet and even my pants wet. hahahah!

Can you see those little red toes?That's how clear the water is! 

Now as we crossed the creek we saw men working on some huts and this big pavilion. These men are the beneficiaries of the CASH FOR WORK program of the DSWD. This helps the indigent people earn for a living in exchange of working for the LGU. The Montillano falls is actually being proposed to become an Eco-Park. This structure I guess will be the pavilion and in front of it are the swimming pools. That one picture above is a kiddie pool but not yet furnished well, and for the adult pool. I can actually see the progress of this place in few years time and I'm sure it will be a blast for the tourism of our town. I'm soooo excited to see that in the future...=)

I really admire these men who do hard labor, because they earn hard with sweat.
Have you ever seen such kind of bridge? it's man made
On our way to seeing the hidden wonder....

I guess this is a very old tree coz it's been there even before my mom was born as she claimed since we used to live in the same barangay years ago...

These men are on guard 24/7 to ensure safety of the place...
and walk more.............

AND behind the green trees and the cool wind is a hidden treasure only few have seen...
MONTILLANO FALLS- the beauty unknown to MANY and entices the FEW...

I took this opportunity to have my pic taken with the falls, coz the first time I went there I didn't have a camera lol..This is my profile pic now on facebook. Just saying "hey I was there!"=)

This one is the way to another falls called INAS falls..We didn't go there because my co-workers are tired of the long walk. But I was still very energetic ready to climb some big rocks lol.
On the right side of the falls you can see a man made stairs going up and there you can see a little water falls and if you climb higher you will get to the dam, which was used before as the water supply for the school. but it was destroyed along with the pipes during the Typhoon Frank in 2008.
A little source for such a big looking falls..this is the top view of the falls...didn't get that good view coz the big stones are slippery. Next time I'll get a good shot by then I will be having my own DSLR hahahah

That's me overlooking that lil falls..catching that humble beauty...
It may look shallow but that's actually 8 ft. in depth

Saw this drawing on a big rock where I sat on hahahah! The person might not be really good in doing this but I salute him for being resourceful...=)

I guess that's all for the falls but I added here some pics I took when I went to Mari-it Conservation Park..

This one is a horn bill bred at Mari-it Conservation Park. The breeding site was actually considered First in the whole world to have a breeding site for hornbills.
The endangered Visayan Spotted dear. These creatures are endangered and should be really taken care of. 

I am quite surprised to know that some of my fellow Lambunaonons don't know about Mari-it Conservation Park and the Montillano Falls. Our town has the potential to compete with other tourist destination if only there is better promotion. We should take into consideration that to be able to rise to become a tourist attraction, we should promote first our spot to our OWN PEOPLE. Yes! our own why not instead of having field trips to other towns why not bring the students to Mari-it Conservation Park? Have some tourist guide, let's say in the person of the students at WVSU-LC, to talk about the animals there to give information about the area. Put an area where we can display the different products of different barangays of Lambunao. This can be a good source of income for the local people.

 We should instill to the minds of the kids of the new generation the importance of taking care of the environment. These things have been long forgotten. Reality is they don't even care....
Lambunao is a living beauty we should take a step ahead to compete with other town's tourism because, there is a BIG POTENTIAL ...we just have to MAKE IT HAPPEN...=)

---Ma. Ledi Ham B. Loot

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Love is Not Blind

LOVE IS BLIND--as the famous quote says, but I think it's not TRUE. Love is NOT BLIND but LOVERS are. Yes physically we are not blind, but we choose to be . We let our heart rule our brain. How can I say that because once, maybe twice, even thrice I BECAME BLIND. Maybe not BLIND at all,but I chose to cover my eyes and let this stupid flesh between my chest rule over me, foolishly following instructions which we're not meant to follow.I wasn't thinking straight at all. EMOTIONS are powerful, makes someone stupid, even destroy ones dear life.

Now... it has been ended, because finally I am writing this post without a tear falling down from my eyes. Yes. SHACKLES are finally off..I voluntarily released the cover from my eyes and see the real thing that's been happening. I can finally say. HEY I'M OKAY.Maybe it was not love after all, maybe I am just a little crazy girl who wanted someone to accompany her when she's alone... AND i have mistaken that rare feeling for this 4 letter word LOVE. But who really knows what that means? What is the exact definition? What is the perfect description? NOBODY knows and just like what they say...NOBODY IS PERFECT, therefore LOVE IS NOT PERFECT too. But one thing is for sure, the next time I will fall in love I will not cover my eyes, I will use my head and will never let my HYPOTHALAMUS (seat of emotion) rule over me. I don't want to make the same mistakes again...As I write now I can really feel that I'M FREED from the little cage where I imprisoned my self.

Shackles are OFF there's NO TURNING BACK....I may glance back not to reminisce but TO LEARN...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

I fEll iN LoVe wItH tHis....

It was last Saturday night when me and my best friend Steph went out just to hang out. After eating at a mexican restaurant, we went on a yogurt ice cream shop, walked back and fort the long Boardwalk then ended up the night at MO2 listening to this local band playing. For the first time I heard this song and that very time I fell in love with it.Some things kept on coming back on my mind especially memories. It almost made me cry. How I wish someday when the right one comes along he will sing this song for me. The lyrics really fits me since im the eldest sibling in my family. I'm keeping my fingers crossed I know someone will come and ask my hand from my father
 I'm going to share it to you here guys. Hope you will like it too.

Sir, I'm a bit nervous
'Bout being here today
Still not real sure what I'm going to say
So bare with me please
If I take up too much of your time. 
See in this box is a ring for your oldest.
She's my everything and all that I know is
It would be such a relief if I knew that we were on the same side
Very soon I'm hoping that I... 

Can marry your daughter
And make her my wife
I want her to be the only girl that I love for the rest of my life
And give her the best of me 'till the day that I die, yeah
I'm gonna marry your princess
And make her my queen
She'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen
Can't wait to smile
When she walks down the aisle
On the arm of her father
On the day that I marry your daughter

She's been hearing for steps
Since the day that we met (I'm scared to death to think of what would happen if she ever left)
So don't you ever worry about me ever treating her bad

I've got most of my vows done so far (So bring on the better or worse)
And 'till death do us part
There's no doubt in my mind
It's time
I'm ready to start
I swear to you with all of my heart... 

I'm gonna marry your daughter
And make her my wife
I want her to be the only girl that I love for the rest of my life
And give her the best of me 'till the day that I die, yeah
I'm gonna marry your princess
And make her my queen
She'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen
I can't wait to smile
As she walks down the aisle
On the arm of her father
On the day that I marry your daughter

The first time I saw her
I swear I knew that I say I do
I'm gonna marry your daughter
And make her my wife
I want her to be the only girl that I love for the rest of my life
And give her the best of me 'till the day that I die
I'm gonna marry your princess
And make her my queen
She'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen
I can't wait to smile
As she walks down the aisle
On the arm of her father
On the day that I marry your daughter

"Love doesn't make the world go round, love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -Elizabeth Browning