Monday, June 20, 2011

First Day of Class

Last Saturday was my first day of class on my 2nd semester on Masters Degree in Nursing. I took 9 units only on a Saturdays to cater my working days. So I have to request for an off every Saturday. Well though I was not feeling well I still went to school. I was appointed as the chairman for the Nursing Service Administration class though it was against my will, I really don't like the fact of leading people older than me. But I have no choice our teacher asked me to, and I can't say no to the director of nursing of one big hospital here in Iloilo. I know it will really be tough coz I have to manage my time to cater my work, school and my lil business all at the same time. With an addition of being the chairman of our class is like a big stone on my head. Good thing my statistics class is my first subject in the morning, good time and perfect time for me to learn because my brain is awake. Plus our teacher seems to be brilliant, a graduate of UP and on her way to doctorate, wow and she's also pretty even without make up on. I met new people and previous acquaintances. I have a new friend since I don't have a previous classmate as a classmate in my new class. I'm coping well. There are lots of requirements and actually now I just finished writing one for my NSA. I will post it later about who will I be 10 years from now..It's free to dream.

"A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life."Charles Darwin

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