Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Love is Not Blind

LOVE IS BLIND--as the famous quote says, but I think it's not TRUE. Love is NOT BLIND but LOVERS are. Yes physically we are not blind, but we choose to be . We let our heart rule our brain. How can I say that because once, maybe twice, even thrice I BECAME BLIND. Maybe not BLIND at all,but I chose to cover my eyes and let this stupid flesh between my chest rule over me, foolishly following instructions which we're not meant to follow.I wasn't thinking straight at all. EMOTIONS are powerful, makes someone stupid, even destroy ones dear life.

Now... it has been ended, because finally I am writing this post without a tear falling down from my eyes. Yes. SHACKLES are finally off..I voluntarily released the cover from my eyes and see the real thing that's been happening. I can finally say. HEY I'M OKAY.Maybe it was not love after all, maybe I am just a little crazy girl who wanted someone to accompany her when she's alone... AND i have mistaken that rare feeling for this 4 letter word LOVE. But who really knows what that means? What is the exact definition? What is the perfect description? NOBODY knows and just like what they say...NOBODY IS PERFECT, therefore LOVE IS NOT PERFECT too. But one thing is for sure, the next time I will fall in love I will not cover my eyes, I will use my head and will never let my HYPOTHALAMUS (seat of emotion) rule over me. I don't want to make the same mistakes again...As I write now I can really feel that I'M FREED from the little cage where I imprisoned my self.

Shackles are OFF there's NO TURNING BACK....I may glance back not to reminisce but TO LEARN...


  1. Love is blind. It will take over your mind. What you think is love, is truly not. You need to elevate your mind.

  2. thank u my friend hehhehehe =)
