Thursday, June 16, 2011

biTter sWeet Vodka

I'm having a hormonal imbalance today especially tonight. Just talked to someone significant in my past and it made me feel that I needed something to put me to sleep, coz that conversation bothered me that much. Opened the refrigerator and saw this Antonov Vodka mixed drink in Apple flavor. This mixed drink just have a 5% alcohol content so it will not get me drunk and I still can get up early to process my passport tomorrow (finally!).  
I entitled this post bittersweet vodka because, aside from I'm drinking this drink, I am heart broken!.
 Love is like a vodka it's bitter but it's sweet. You get to taste the sweetest of love you'll ever get but in one way or another there will be something bitter in it. What I like about this drink is that when you drink few bottles there is no hang over, but when you have TOO MUCH, you'll get a very bad headache. And in the morning you'll keep on blaming yourself, "why I drank too much?now I'm having a bad headache and I wanna puke."
So like in every failed had too much will get bitter and at the end of the will blame yourself for what you have done...

So think about love which is like the bitter-sweet vodka...don't have too much if you don't wanna have a bad case of hang over after....=)

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