Tuesday, June 14, 2011

PMS....the road every woman should PASS

This is my first post and i have a really nice topic to start with my blogging. Woke up early this morning with my mom very angry with my youngest brother coz he's been complaining about not going to school anymore (guess he's just in grade 4 ).So unlikely of her to be very angry with him coz  she has always spoiled him and she's like shouting (nah maybe raised her voice). But still so unlikely of her to do that. And since I don't wanna start my day with a not so good mood, i headed back to bed and covered my ears with my pillow. Then as I stepped my foot on the gate of our house, just got home from work, I heard her voice frantic scolding our house boy who messed up with ther newly landscaped garden. I asked my self, what's wrong with her. It did not take me hours to realize what's wrong with her.. With the knowledge as a nurse, I got the idea that my mom is having this hormonal crisis (oh don't be afraid of that word, its normal) we usually call PMS otherwise called PRE MENOPAUSAL SYNDROME.
WomEn thinking Any condition described by the word "syndrome" can sound alarming. But premenopausal syndrome is nothing to fear; it's a perfectly normal phase of a woman's life signifying the beginning of menopause.PMS usually appears before the cessation of a woman's mentruation (of course men does not menstruate) Mood changes, hot flushes, irregular menstruation, too much or less bleeding during menstruation are only few of the signs of this syndrome. By the way syndrome means a group of signs and symptoms that accompany changes. This usually can have effects on a woman behaviorally, spiritually, emotionally and of course physically.Premenopausal changes in a woman's hormone levels can begin anywhere from her mid-thirties to her late forties. Aside from those signs and symptoms mentioned above, a woman on her PMS can have also depression, little or no desire for sex (oh poor dad heheh), and headaches. These women on these age tends to have a bigger belly because there is already lack of estrogen being produced. This can also make them predispose to such condition as  fibrocystic breasts, uterine fibroids, or endometriosis. Estrogen dominance is also known to interfere with thyroid action, increasing complaints of fatigue and weight gain and causing one to feel cold all the time.
So when someone you know it may be your mother, your grandma, your neighbor or your colleague that you noticed having these changes you might want to ask her what her age is maybe she's having a PMS.

PS: There is also another term for PMS that is Pre- menstrual syndrome, my mom doesn't have that but I do..Will write about that  when I'm having it.

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